Inman Aligner in Wandsworth

The Inman Aligner is a revolutionary brace from America that can straighten teeth very quickly. Most treatments are complete within 6 – 18 weeks.

The brace has been used in the United States since 2000. It is now gaining popularity in the UK because it is convenient, effective and quick.

What are the benefits of Inman Aligner?

The speed of treatment is the biggest advantage of this brace. Rather than being in braces for 12 months or more, this will see your treatment completed in a few weeks.

It’s removable and that makes it convenient at mealtimes and when brushing your teeth. You can also remove it on special occasions or when you’re having your photograph taken. It costs less than treatment such as veneers or the more traditional braces.

Finally, we offer free teeth whitening after your teeth have been straightened. This creates the perfect finish and gives you a beautiful smile.

How does the Inman Aligner work?

The Inman Aligner can straighten teeth quickly because of its unique patented design. The aligner has 2 springs that gently move the teeth from both the front and back surfaces of the teeth. Because it can apply this dual movement, teeth move very quickly and are straightened in a short period of time.

What is involved in the treatment?

On the first appointment impressions of your teeth are taken. These impressions are sent to the laboratory and a custom-made Inman Aligner is made for you.

On the second appointment the aligner is fitted. The aligner is removable and you can therefore you can take it out when brushing your teeth or at mealtimes.

It should be worn for 16 – 20 hours a day. The more you wear it the quicker the teeth will be straightened. You will see us every 3 or 4 weeks. We will check that everything is progressing well and make any minor adjustments if required.

Alternatives to the Inman Aligner

In the quest for a straighter, more confident smile, there are several orthodontic options available. Two popular choices are Invisalign and the Inman Aligner. While both have their merits, Invisalign offers a range of advantages that make it a preferred choice for many patients seeking orthodontic treatment.

  1. Invisibility: Perhaps the most obvious benefit of Invisalign is its near-invisibility. The clear, plastic aligners are discreet and allow you to straighten your teeth without drawing unwanted attention. In contrast, the Inman Aligner, with its metal components, is more noticeable.

  2. Comfort: Invisalign aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth snugly, reducing irritation and discomfort. The Inman Aligner, on the other hand, may cause some discomfort due to its metal components and can take longer to adapt to.

  3. Effectiveness: Invisalign is highly effective in treating a wide range of orthodontic issues, from mild to severe cases. Inman Aligner is more suitable for mild to moderate cases, and complex issues may not be as effectively addressed.

  4. Predictable Results: Invisalign employs advanced technology to create a 3D treatment plan, showing you the expected outcome. This predictive approach provides peace of mind about the final result. In contrast, the Inman Aligner offers less predictability.

  5. Less Impact on Speech: Invisalign aligners have minimal impact on your speech, as they are custom-fit to your teeth and do not contain metal bars that can interfere with speech. The Inman Aligner, with its metal bar, may take some time to adapt to.

  6. No Risk of Metal Allergies: Invisalign is made from smooth plastic, eliminating the risk of metal allergies or sensitivities associated with traditional braces or the Inman Aligner.

  7. Overall Aesthetics: Invisalign aligners don’t disrupt your natural smile, making them an excellent choice for individuals who value aesthetics during their orthodontic treatment.

In conclusion, Invisalign offers a host of advantages over the Inman Aligner, from its discreet appearance to greater comfort, versatility, and predictability in achieving your desired smile. While the Inman Aligner may be suitable for specific cases, Invisalign’s advanced technology and patient-friendly features make it a top choice for those seeking orthodontic treatment that aligns with their lifestyle and aesthetic preferences.